Feb 10, 2012

國立臺灣師大講座教授Richard C. Anderson演講公告/ Colloquium Announcement

With the support of the Aim for the Top University project funded by the Taiwan Ministry of Education, we are pleased to announce that Dr. Richard Anderson from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) will give 2 talks at the College of Education, National Taiwan Normal University. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Dr. Anderson's research includes L1Chinese reading, cross-linguistic reading development, and comparative studies of reading processes.

Topic: Improving the quality of classroom discussion
Date/Time: Feb. 21, 2012 1:10-3:00pm
Location: Room 513, Education Building, NTNU main campus

Topic: Influence of Bilingualism on Language and Literacy acquisition
Date/Time: Feb. 24, 2012 10:00-12:00am
Location: Room 114, Bo Ai Building, NTNU main campus

Since the seats are limited, registration is required. To sign up, please email 維駿 at r93227107@ntu.edu.tw by 6:00 pm, Feb. 17.

國立臺灣師範大學在教育部頂尖大學計畫的支持下,邀請美國UIUC教授DR. Richard Anderson訪問臺灣。他將於師大教育學院舉行兩場公開演講。歡迎參加。

講題:Influence of Bilingualism on Language and Literacy acquisition
時間:2012年2月24日 上午10:00 ~ 12:00

講題:Improving the quality of classroom discussion
時間:2012年2月21日 下午13:10 ~ 15:00

DR. Richard Anderson長期進行中文閱讀的研究工作,包括以中文為母語的閱讀,跨語文閱讀發展以及閱讀歷程的比較研究,在閱讀發展領域有卓越貢獻。

因場地限制,欲參加演講者請於2/17,6PM前向承辦人報名(林維駿 r93227107@ntu.edu.tw)

Feb 6, 2012

專題演講三 (時間有更動,詳見內文)

講題:Influence of Bilingualism on Language and Literacy acquisition.
時間:2012年2月24日 上午10:00 ~ 12:00

# 演講加入Q&A時段,故調整為10:00-12:00,最後30分鐘(11:30-12:00)開放提問,造成不便尚祈見諒。

專題演講二 (臺灣師大校內專題演講)


講題:Social and cognitive development during collaborative reasoning

時間:2012年2月23日 下午15:00 ~ 17:00

地點:進修推廣學院 2F 視聽教室


講題:Improving the quality of classroom discussion

時間:2012年2月21日 下午13:10 ~ 15:00


Feb 2, 2012



Anderson, R. C., & Li, W. (2005). A cross-language perspective on learning to read. In A. McKeough, J. L. Lupart, L. Phillips, and V. Timmons (Eds.) Understanding Literacy Development: A Global View, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (pp. 65-91)

Chen, X., Anderson, R. C., Li, W., Hao, M., Wu, X., & Shu, H. (2004). Phonological awareness of bilingual and monolingual Chinese children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96, 142-151.

Chen, X., Ku,. Y.-M., Koyama, E., Anderson, R. C., & Li, W. (2008). Development of phonological awareness in bilingual Cantonese children. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 37, 405-418.

Kuo, L.-J., & Anderson, R. C. (2006). Morphological awareness and learning to read: A cross-language perspective. Educational Psychologist, 41, 161-180.

Kuo, L.-J., & Anderson, R. C. (2008). Conceptual and methodological issues in comparing metalinguistic awareness across languages. In K. Koda and A. Zehler (Eds.) Learning to Read across Languages. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum (pp. 39-67).

Kuo, L.-J., & Anderson, R. C. (2010). Beyond cross-language transfer: Reconceptualizing the impact of early bilingualism on phonological competence. Scientific Studies of Reading, 14, 365-385.

Kuo, L.-J. & Anderson, R. C. (2012). Effects of early bilingualism on learning the phonological regularities in a new language. Journal of Experimental child Psychology, 111, 455-467.

Ku, Y.-M., & Anderson, R. C. (2003). Development of morphological awareness in Chinese and English, Reading and Writing, 16, 399-422.

Nagy, W. E. & Anderson, R. C. (1999). Metalinguistic awareness and the acquisition of literacy in different languages. In D. Wagner, R. Venezky, and B. Street (Eds.) Literacy: An international handbook. (pp. 155-160) Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Zhang, J. & Anderson, R. C. (2008). Important processes in reading acquisition. Encyclopedia of language and literacy development. London, ON: Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network. http://literacyencyclopedia.ca/

Zhang, J., Anderson, R. C., Li, H., Dong, Q., Zhang, Y., & Wu, X. (2010). Cross-language transfer of insight into the structure of compound words. Reading and Writing, 23, 311-336.

Zhang, J., Anderson, R. C., Wang, Q., Packard, J., Wu, X., Tang, S., & Ke, X. (in press). Insight into the structure of compound words among speakers of Chinese and English. Applied Psycholinguistics